Our address information:
Erik Rörsch & Partners, Minicitiist - Hazenboslaan 39 - 2343 SW Oegstgeest - The Netherlands
Tel mobile: + 31 6 24 24 22 24 / +30 69 408 39096 or fixed: +31 71 7851172
E-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Please download our company brochure here
Latest news; our partner Erik Rörsch received a reward from Aiaintis, the cooperation of 23 Greek cities. See: Youtube-Aiantis
Links to Miniature Cities and other relevant projects:
Links to existing miniature cities:
Swissminiatur, near Lugano, Switzerland:
Babbacombe Model Village, Devon, England
Bekonscot Model Village, Beaconsfield, England
The Model Village, Ramsgate, England
Mini-France, near Paris, France
Minimundus, near Klagendurt, Austria
Madurodam, The Hague, The Netherlands
West Cork Model Village
Pella-Miniature Dutch Village
Southport Model Railway Village
Also nice but totally different:
http://www.railzminiworld.com/Links to suppliers and Garden Railroad magazines: For excellent track, contact Ted Sharpe at: www.svrronline.com The Garden Railway Magazine: www.gardenrailways.com For the friendlieest hotel in Athens, Greece: www.delphiarthotelathens.com For the best waterpark suppliers, van Egdom at:www.vanegdom.nl For the best general Cad software: www.designcad.com